Clinic Services
The SMWC Student Counseling & Wellness Center provides many different services to meet various student needs.
Trained therapists are available to help students work through personal concerns and learn new stress-coping strategies. Counseling can provide a means of learning how to achieve personal goals more effectively.
Groups are offered that focus on developing effective personal and social skills and resolving personal concerns. Typical topics include substance abuse, anxiety, eating disorders, relationship issues, self-esteem, depression, etc.
Therapists are available to the entire SMWC community to offer insights on how to be most helpful to students.
When students request services that are beyond the role and scope of the Counseling Center, referral to other agencies or professionals is provided.
Students can meet 1-on-1 with the Mental Health Educator to build skills and assist in accessing resources both on and off campus.
The SMWC counseling center has a psychiatrist that visits the college one time a month to meet with current SMWC counseling center students who are seeking medication management services.
Counseling Center staff are available for workshops and presentations on important topics for students, faculty, and staff. Topics can include identifying and assisting a distressed student, trauma-informed care, stress management, and time management. You may also see us around campus with interactive opportunities for emotional wellness!
Let’s Talk is a drop-in program that provides easy access to a one-time, informal and confidential meeting with an SMWC staff member. This may also serve as a bridge to resources or an introduction to the Student Counseling Center.